Ag obair le nàdar - Working with Nature.

Day to day Druidry.

As we live our lives day too day we have to understand that we need to live in balance with the earth we walk upon. We need to respect the air that blows through our hair. And we need to protect the water that sustains our bodies. We each try and find a way to do this in our day to day lives and it becomes increasingly more difficult in our society which is surrounded by consumerism and our incredibly increasing disposable society. We all of course practise the three R’s, Reduce Reuse and Recycle. Reducing what we consume, Reusing the packaging from what we do consume and then recycling what we can not reuse. Understanding that those things are in a particular order for a good reason. We also make great efforts to compost what materials we can as well as buying our products as local as possible. We have a small property in the Halifax area that we try and find a balance with. We avoid pesticides and grow food in our own small garden. We also make an effort when possible to avoid single use plastics. We try and purchase fresh unpackages vegetables and fruit as well as use reusable bags and mugs when possible.

As a Grove and individual druids we also need to be aware of what is happening around us in our communities. We need to be active in the fight against anti environmental practises such as clear cutting, toxic waste or digging for unsustainable oil in our own backyards as well as abroad. We make our voices heard when we can and stand up to unjust environmental practises when we can.

In Ritual and Practise.

We as a Grove work closely with local resources when it comes to our practise. We try and save as much materials as possible after each ritual and save them for the next. Be it candles, incense, etc. We have made an active attempt to be sure to source our ritual supplies and tools from local sources or even hand craft them our selves. We feel the authenticity our our rituals are are a strong driving point for us. It brings us closer to the kindred. when we hold Ritual publicly we always provide the local transit info for the location as well as suggest carpooling for those who can.

The Spirits and those who surround us.

It’s one thing to understand the things around us and seem the simple effects our actions have ups nature around us. We toss trash into a lake, an animal suffers. These are things we can see with our own eyes. We see the damage that is done and we feel shame for that action. Some times though our actions are not seen immediately and have grave consequences on a great area then we think.Disrespecting a place or land with being ignorant of what is happening around us can cause damage to the connection between druid and nature spirit. Why would or should they commune with us if we only bring harm?