ADF Structure, Customs and Policies

  • Explain why public, inclusive ritual is important to ADF. (200 words min.)

  • Describe the duties and function of clergy in ADF. (100 words min.)

  • Explain why ADF has an Indo-European focus, and why we use the term "Druid" in our name. (200 words min.)

  • Describe the Guilds, SIGS, and Kins of ADF in general, their function within the organization, and the goal of the Guild, SIG, and Kin systems. (150 words min. for each type of subgroup)

  • Describe ADF's official ceremonial calendar, and discuss why it was designed in this way. (200 words min.)

  • Compare Isaac's original "Law, Policy, Tradition, and Customs in ADF" article with how you see ADF today. Describe what is still true and what is no longer accurate in that document. (300 words min.)

  • Describe ADF's utilization of Dumezil's "tripartition" and its effect on ADF's structure, study programs, and the religion of ADF members in general. (200 words min.)

  • Explain the difference between "orthopraxy" religions and "orthodoxy". Where do you feel ADF falls? (200 words min.)

  • Describe why we make Praise Offerings, how they are made when they are made, and who they are made to. Be sure to describe this in both solitary practice and in two or more Groves' practices. (300 words min.)

  • Describe ADF's administrative structure. (150 words min.)

Law and the Church

  • List nine (9) laws, or as many as possible if less than nine, concerning clergy that you have found by searching your nearest municipality laws. By municipality, we mean on the village or town level. If there are none, then tell us how you found that out.

  • If there is a body of laws between the municipality laws and the state/provincial laws where you live, list nine (9) laws, or as many as possible if less than nine, concerning the clergy, that you have found by searching this area.

  • List nine (9) laws concerning clergy that you have found by searching your state/provincial laws.

  • List nine (9) laws concerning clergy that you have found by searching your national laws.

  • How do laws of your nation, state, or local area respond to Paganism and Neo-Pagan clergy? Are there laws that prohibit certain functions our clergy usually serve (such as divination, counselling, or conducting marriages or funerals)? Does your country implicitly or explicitly state that Neo-Pagans cannot have clergy, or that they cannot perform certain functions or receive similar rights as those from other religions?

  • Looking at those laws listed in questions 1 - 4 and how they affect you, are there any specific laws that seem out of place, unfair, or unjust? What is the avenue for change to these laws, and do you see a change to these particular laws as necessary?

  • How do you see these laws affecting how you serve your Grove, ADF, or the community as a whole?

  • What is the difference between pastoral counselling and other kinds of counselling, and does the law differentiate between these types? What sort of license do you require in your state in order to perform counselling of any type? Does divination fall into this sort of counselling?

  • Describe the mandatory reporting laws in your area and how they affect you as a clergy person. Explain the process you would go through to file a report if it were necessary.

  • Optional questions:

    1. What are the rules regarding outside worship for any local military base, and what happens if a soldier on that base wants access to a priest who is not in the military or not a military chaplain? If there are no local military bases, what are the general rules?

    2. What are the regulations and options for prison ministry in your county and state?

Indo-European Studies 1

  • Describe several of the factors that define culture as Indo-European and how those defining factors are useful in understanding that culture. (minimum of 300 words)

  • George Dumezil's theory of tripartition has been central to many modern approaches to Indo-European studies. Outline Dumezil's three social functions in general, and as they appear in one particular Indo-European society. Offer your opinion as to whether you believe Dumezil's claim that tripartition is central to IE cultures. (minimum of 300 words)

  • Choose one Indo-European culture and describe briefly the influences that have shaped it and distinguish it from other Indo-European-derived cultures. Examples include migration, contact with other cultures, changes in religion, language, and political factors. Is there any sense in which this culture can be said to have stopped being an Indo-European culture? (minimum 300 words)

  • Choose one other Indo-European culture and compare and contrast it to the culture discussed in question 3 above with respect to each culture's Indo-European nature. (minimum 300 words)

  • From its beginnings, ADF has defined itself in relation to Indo-European pagan traditions. What relevance do you think historical and reconstructed IE traditions from the past have in constructing or reconstructing a Pagan spirituality for the present and future? (minimum 600 words)

Indo-European Myth 1

  • List and discuss the major primary sources for the mythology of three Indo-European cultures, including their dates of origin and authorship (if known). Discuss any important factors that may cause problems in interpreting these sources, such as the existence of multiple revisions, or the presence of Christian or other outside influences in surviving texts. (minimum 300 words)

  • Summarize, then compare and contrast the myths of at least two Indo-European cultures with respect to the following topics (you need not use the same two cultures as a basis of comparison for each topic): (minimum 300 words for each)

    • tales of creation

    • tales of divine war

    • tales that describe the fate of the dead

  • Explain how each of the following elements of ADF ritual does or does not resonate with elements of two different Indo-European cultures (you need not use the same two cultures as a basis of comparison for each element): (minimum 100 words for each)

    • Earth Mother

    • Deities of Land

    • Deities of Sea

    • Deities of Sky

    • Outsiders

    • Nature Spirits

    • Ancestors

  • Discuss how the following seven elements of ADF's cosmology are (or are not) reflected in the myths of two different Indo-European cultures. For this question, please use the same two cultures as a basis of comparison for the entire question. (minimum 100 words each)

    • Upperworld

    • Middleworld

    • Divisions Of Middleworld (e.g., 4 Quarters, 3 Triads, 8 Sections)

    • Nether/Underworld

    • Fire

    • Well

    • Tree

  • To what extent do you think we can offer conjectures about Indo-European myths in general? Are the common themes strong enough that the myths seem like variations? Or are the differences so powerful that the themes are less important than the cultural variations? (minimum 300 words)

Cosmology 1

  • Describe the generation of the cosmos, and what is done in ADF ritual to ensure that the cosmos remains in order. (300 words min.)

  • Describe the physical items that exemplify the sacred center in ADF ritual, and how each constituent part reflects the vision of an ordered cosmos. (300 words min.)

  • Explain the divisions of the cosmos in the ADF ritual, and why the cosmos is divided in this way. (300 words min.)

  • Explain why the fire is an essential element of ADF ritual, and what relation it has to the sacrifice. (150 words min.)

  • Describe the purpose and function of the Gatekeeper in ADF ritual. Explain also who or what makes a good Gatekeeper, along with why they do, with at least two examples of mythological figures that could fill the role of a Gatekeeper and give an explanation of why they can. (300 words min.)

  • Describe the relationship between earth and sky in the ADF ritual. (125 words min.)

  • Summarize each of the five contexts of sacrifice in Rev. Thomas' "The Nature of Sacrifice" paper in your own words. Explain the effect of sacrifice on the cosmos and on the participants. (100 words min. for each context, 150 words min. for effect.)

  • What does it mean to be "purified" in ADF rituals? Why is purification important? What must be purified, and who may do the purification? (150 words min.)

  • In many rituals, we call for the blessings of the Kindreds. Where do these blessings come from, how are they provided to the folk, and why are we entitled to them? (200 words min.)

Liturgy 1

  • Define ritual, especially as the term applies to religious and spiritual work. (minimum 200 words)

  • Describe some of the roles individuals might take on within the context of ritual. (minimum 100 words)

  • Discuss why ADF rituals need not have a defined outer boundary, or "circle" and explain the ADF's method of sacralizing space. (minimum 100 words))

  • Discuss the Earth Mother and her significance in ADF liturgy. (minimum 100 words)

  • Discuss how the Fire, Well and Tree became parts of ADF's sacred center and the significance of each in ADF ritual. (minimum 100 words for each of the Fire, Well and Tree)

  • Describe three culturally specific models for (re)creating the cosmos consistent with the Core Order of Ritual. (minimum 100 words for each model)

  • Describe the concepts of 1) the Center and 2) the Gates in ADF's Core Order of Ritual, including two cultural variations of each concept. (minimum 300 words)

  • Discuss the ritual depiction of the relationship between Fire and Water in ADF liturgy. (minimum 100 words)

  • Discuss the Outdwellers and their significance in ritual (or not, as the case may be). (minimum 100 words)

  • Describe the intention and function of Inviting the Three Kindreds. (minimum 100 words)

  • Discuss how one would choose the focus (or foci) for the Key Offerings (which may include: Beings of the Occasion, seasonal theme or other focus of the work).(minimum 100 words)

  • Discuss your understanding of Sacrifice, and its place in the ADF ritual. (minimum 100 words)

  • Discuss the relationship between sacrifice and blessing and how this is reflected in the Core Order of Ritual. (minimum 150 words)

  • Discuss your understanding of the Omen. (minimum 100 words)

  • Describe how ADF liturgy corresponds with your personal or group practice. (minimum 100 words)